Watercolor Artist Imagines a Utopian Future Where Flora and Fauna Reclaim the Earth
By Emma Taggart on May 9, 2019
As climate change is rapidly harming our natural ecosystems, many people around the world are turning to art to channel their fears about the grim fate of planet Earth in the future. Robin Crofut-Brittingham is one such artist who visualizes her idea of how our world will exist, but rather than creating gloomy scenes of a dying planet, the talented artist reclaims the natural world with her vibrant watercolor series.
기후 변화가 빠르게 우리의 자연 생태계를 해치고 있기 때문에, 전 세계의 많은 사람들은 미래에 행성의 음울한 운명에 대한 두려움을 전달하기 위해 예술로 눈을 돌리고 있다. 로빈 크로푸트 브라이팅엄은 우리 세계가 어떻게 존재할지에 대한 그녀의 생각을 시각화하는 그런 예술가 중 하나이지만, 이 재능 있는 예술가는 죽어가는 행성의 음산한 장면을 만들기 보다는 그녀의 활기찬 수채화 시리즈로 자연계를 되찾는다.
크로푸트 브리팅엄의 화려하고 대규모의 작품은 인간과 자연이 함께 행복한 한마음으로 살아가는 대안, 상상된 미래를 탐구한다. "이러한 미래들 중 일부에서, 인류는 초기 인류의 지속가능한 관행을 바탕으로 한 조화롭고 생존적인 생활방식으로 되돌아왔다"고 그녀는 밝히고 있다. "여자들이 주변 경관을 세심하게 존중해 사냥하고 낚시를 하고 모이는 모태들이야."
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터
Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator
edited by kcontents
Crofut-Brittingham’s colorful, large-scale work explores an alternative, imagined future, where humans and nature live together in blissful unison. “In some of these futures, humans have returned to a harmonious and survival based mode of living that draws on sustainable practices of early mankind,” she reveals. “These are matriarchies where women hunt, fish, and gather with careful respect for the landscape around them.”
The imaginative artist’s paintings often feature female figures whose skin is wrapped in flowers and plants, as if they are made of the same, natural elements. However, in other works, Crofut-Brittingham visualizes wild, deadly jungles that are simply too dangerous for humans to inhabit. She explains, “In other more apocalyptic futures, nature has taken its revenge on mankind and turned itself back into a hostile, overgrown jungle where beauty and danger commingle and evidence of previous human existence is slowly sinking back beneath the weeds.” These paintings on large panels and canvases show tangled trees, poisonous vegetation, and untamed animals protecting their land. Could this be what the future has in store?
You can see more of Crofut-Brittingham’s stunning work on her website and Instagram.
Watercolor artist Robin Crofut-Brittingham visualizes a utopian future where humans live in harmony with nature.
However, in other works, the artist paints deadly jungles that are simply too dangerous for humans to inhabit.
In both instances, nature has reclaimed the earth.
Robin Crofut-Brittingham: Website | Facebook | InstagramMy Modern Met granted permission to feature photos by Robin Crofut-Brittingham.