Historic Ship Reclaimed By Nature Has a Second Life As a Protective Breakwater
By Jessica Stewart on April 8, 2021
While we've seen ships overrun by nature before, it's usually been due to a shipwreck. In Washington State, however, there is a forest-
다른 목적을 위한 만선 아나코르테스의 서부 지역에 위치한 라 메르세드라는 이름의 네명의 달인이 창조적인 재활용의 경우 방파제로 새로운 삶을 시작했다. 1966년 배가 제 위치로 옮겨진 이후, 그 배는 선체를 채우는 모래에서 자라는 나무들로 둘러 쌓였다\. 이 배는 현재 해양 역사의 일부이며 1990년에 국가 역사 등록부에 등재되었다.
라 메르세드는 1917년 창건 이래 길고도 기이한 역사를 가지고 있다. 한때 네 명의 달인이 있는 스쿠너들이 수백 명에 달했지만, 라 메르세드는 온전한 상태로 남아 있는 네 명 중 한 명이다. 이 보트는 포틀랜드와 캘리포니아 사이의 목재 무역에 이용되기 전 제1차 세계 대전 동안 보조 스쿠너였다. 그 후, 그것은 미국에서 호주와 뉴질랜드로 석유를 운송하기 위해 장착되었고, 돌아오는 항해에서 곡물을 가져왔다. 하지만 그 배의 모험은 거기서 끝나지 않았다. 1920년대 후반, 232 피트 길이의 라 메르세드는 떠다니는 통조림으로 바뀌어 알래스카에서 작업했다.
보트의 작업 수명이 다하자 1965년 인양을 위해 판매되었다. 그때 그것의 장엄한 돛대가 잘려나갔다. 프로펠러, 엔진, 갑판 부속품도 스쿠너가 Lovric's조선소로 이동하기 전에 벗겨졌다. 조선소는 바위와 잔해 속에 둥지를 틀고 있는 오늘날 배가 남아 있는 곳이다. 비록 라 메르세드가 물 위에 오래 떠 있지 않지만, 그 배는 실제로 물샐틈없이 남아 있고 놀랍게도 좋은 상태를 유지하고 있다
Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor
edited by kcontents
filled ship that serves another purpose. Located on the western side of the state in Anacortes, a four-masted schooner named La Merced has taken on new life as a breakwater in a case of creative recycling. Since it was moved into position in 1966, the boat has been overtaken by trees that grow in the sand that fills its hull. The ship is now a part of maritime history and was placed on the National Historic Register in 1990.
La Merced has a long and storied history since its creation in 1917. While four-masted schooners once numbered in the hundreds, La Merced is one of just four that remain intact. The boat was an auxiliary schooner during World War I before being used in the lumber trade between Portland and California. It was then fitted to ship oil from the U.S. to Australia and New Zealand, bringing back grain on its return voyage. But the ship's adventure didn't end there. In the late 1920s, the 232-foot long La Merced was transformed into a floating cannery and worked out of Alaska.
As the end of the boat's working life neared, it was sold for salvage in 1965. It was then that its majestic masts were cut off. The propellers, engines, and deck fittings were also stripped prior to the schooner being moved to Lovric's Shipyard. The shipyard is where the boat remains today, nestled into rocks and rubble. Though La Merced no long floats on the water, the ship actually has remained watertight and is in surprisingly good shape.
Using the salvaged ship as a breakwater was quite forward-thinking for the owner of Lovric's Shipyard. Anton Lovric, known affectionately as Tony, was born in Croatia and immigrated to the United States in 1960. A life-long entrepreneur, in a short time Lovric was able to transform a former seafood processing plant into the marina and shipyard that still bears his name. It was Lovric who had an eye for repurposing La Merced. He brought the boat to its current location just one year after he purchased the property.
And here it remains; a piece of nautical history continuing to live on in a new role. Shielding the marina from crashing waves, La Merced is also a favorite site for photographers who love to capture the greenery that fills the ship.
La Merced is a four-masted schooner that has been transformed into a breakwater.
Over time, trees have filled the sand-filled hull.
La Merced in Anacortes Washington
Photo: John Gateley