
Gorgeous Angular Home in Zurich That Is Built like a Modern Sculpture

마치 조각 작품 같은 스위스 취리히의 수려한 각진 주택 디자인

Posted by Jenny Zhang

Tasked with the challenge of building a home on a steep, cramped lot in Zurich, Switzerland, L3P Architekten designed an innovative residence that rises in a sculpture-like mass of steel, concrete, and glass from the ground. Known as the Rebberg Dielsdorf House, the dwelling is the result of interdisciplinary collaboration between the architects and building engineer as room and structure are creatively merged in order to save space.

Despite the building's unconventional, angular form with odd sections that jut out from the main frame, the interior contains all the necessary luxuries combined with a stark, modern aesthetic. Multiple levels and rooms are connected by narrow hallways and stairwells. Clever solutions are employed to make use of every available space—bookshelves are built into existing concrete walls, for example, while comfortable cushions turn the area above a staircase into a cozy alcove. Entering the house from a subterranean carport, inhabitants find themselves in a sleek dwelling filled with abundant natural light from the wall-to-ceiling glass windows.

According to architect Boris Egli, the structure of the house was in part inspired by its location near the vineyard at Dielsdorf. He says, "This work on the vineyard slope copies the logic of a vine: a supporting middle wall, platforms and non-bearing windows follow the structure of the stem, the trunk and the hanging fruit."

Photos by Vito Stallone

L3P Architekten's website
via [The Contemporist]



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