
By Sarah Ann Loreth March 22, 2016

Today is the day we have all been waiting for! We are absolutely thrilled to announce the winners of our What Do You Love? Photography Contest brought to you in part by our wonderful partners over at MyPublisher. With $1,000 worth of cash and prizes at stake, we had a hunch this contest was going to be epic, and you certainly did not disappoint with nearly 600 photos to choose from! With entry subjects ranging from family to romance to landscapes you often dream about, we were so humbled by the creativity of our wonderful community and the vulnerability found in sharing what makes us all human—our ability to love.

Our wonderful judges—Kindra NikoleDave BroshaElizabeth GaddDavid Talley, and I (Sarah Ann Loreth)—had a great selection to sift through, making for an exciting competition. We each selected a handful of entries that spoke to us on multiple levels—visual and emotional. As judges, the criteria for our selections revolved around both the look and feel. We chose photographs that touched on a human emotion, ones that you could feel the love from just by setting your gaze on the image.

And the winner is… Peter Zwolinski!

Peter’s striking photo submission captures the raw passion and perseverance of never giving up. It’s his love for life and photography, mirrored through the sheer strength and athleticism of his friend Kishon Richards that radiates from his photo on a deeper level. Peter tells us, “My photo is that I'm holding on as tight as possible, hoping to never let go of my love for photography. I'm trying to stay consistent with executing perfect images for everyone to love.”

As for how he captured his winning image, Peter says, “[Kishon and I] went to a playground where he works out at. I saw him do a handstand and asked if I could photograph him from under the bars. I used a wide angle lens and a Canon 6D to shoot this. The overcast sky made it perfect for black and white.”

We want to extend a huge sincere thank you to everyone who took the time to share their beautiful displays of love, a special thanks to our talented judges, a gratefulness for our amazing team at My Modern Met for organizing this contest, and a big thanks to our sponsor, MyPublisher!

Without further ado, here are our winners and honorable mentions!

Above: Peter Zwolinski, Winner (First Prize)

Tristan Brown, Winner (Second Prize)

Suzy Mead, Winner (Third Prize)

Joel Nsadha, Honorable Mention

Aleah Fierle, Honorable Mention

Jillian Adams, Honorable Mention

David Kotsibie, Honorable Mention

Fjolla Besimi, Honorable Mention

Felicia Kasprzak, Honorable Mention

Daniel O'Malley, Honorable Mention

Kasia Odrozek, Honorable Mention

Diana Mantis, Honorable Mention

Martin Kápostáš, Honorable Mention

Kelsey Grace Harrison, Honorable Mention

Sirli Raitma, Honorable Mention

Luke Santoro, Honorable Mention

John Tuanqui, Honorable Mention

Rachel Bertolini, Honorable Mention

Kayde Givens, Honorable Mention

Donna McNabb, Honorable Mention

Gabriel Encinas, Honorable Mention

Jolyne Harris, Honorable Mention

Quentin Loyez, Honorable Mention

Rona Keller, Honorable Mention

Kelsey Ayres, Honorable Mention

Aditi Mayer, Honorable Mention

Stef Chung, Honorable Mention

Pat Meagher, Honorable Mention

Ilinca Pop, Honorable Mention

Giuseppa Sallustio, Honorable Mention

Maja Kovacevic, Honorable Mention

Jiavona Marques, Honorable Mention

Justin Lee, Honorable Mention

Jolyne Harris, Honorable Mention

Samantha Duckworth, Honorable Mention

Eskelsen, Honorable Mention

Liz Vega, Honorable Mention

Our partners are handpicked by My Modern Met because they represent the best in creativity.

Founded in 1994, MyPublisher was the inventor and first marketer of high quality, single-copy, custom books at an affordable price. Since then, MyPublisher has evolved as a leading internet retailer of personalized Photo Applications to enable consumers to creatively customize, share, print, and preserve digital photographs.

MyPublisher is unique among its competitors in that it prints, manufactures and ships every product it sells--with no out-sourcing. MyPublisher is among the largest digital photo printers in the world. Every year it prints and ships over 120 million photos for its customers. MyPublisher believes that controlling its printing and manufacturing enables it to deliver consistently superior quality and service as well as unusual proprietary features not available anywhere else.

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