Do we owe our thick hair and tough skin to Neanderthals? World map of prehistoric ancestry shows how interbreeding has changed and even HELPED modern humans
Geneticists at Harvard medical School found Neanderthal (pictured bottom right) and Denisovan (pictured top right) DNA is surprisingly widespread in modern non-African human populations around the world. They found that Homo sapiens appear to have interbred with Denisovans just 100 generations after similar trysts with Neanderthals. Mating with Denisovans, a sister species of the Neanderthals, led to some people in south Asia inheriting a sharper sense of smell while others in East Asia inherited a better ability to live at high altitudes. Neanderthals gave Homo sapiens thicker hair and tougher skin. A reconstruction of a Neanderthal is pictured left.
하버드 메티컬 스쿨의 유전학자들이 지도에 표시된 지역에서 발견한 네안데르탈인(우측지도 아래)과
데니소반인(우측지도 상단)의 DNA는 놀랍게도 전세계 현대의 비 아프리카 인구에까지 확산되어 있다고 공개했다.
유전학자들은 전세계의 250명을 대상으로 게놈(유전지도)를 조사했는데
조사결과 데니소반인 DNA가 사람들이 앞서 알고 있었던 것보다 더 많이 확산되어 있다는 사실을 알게 되었다.
남아시아 사람들은 데니소반인에게서 뛰어난 후각 인자를 물려받았으며
네안데르탈인과 함께 지내면서 호모 사피엔스에게 더 두꺼운 머리카락과 거친 피부를 물려주었다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
ki chul, hwang conpaper editor
- Researchers searched the genomes of 250 people from around the world
- They found Denisovan DNA is more widespread than previously believed
- People in South Asia inherited a sharper sense of smell from Denisovans
- Mating with Neanderthals gave Homo sapiens thicker hair and tough skin
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